Komfortabler Shoppen mit Smartphone, Tablet und PC: OTTOs Onlineshop passt sich jetzt überall perfekt an
In the last Christmas shopping period up to 40 per cent of visitors to otto.de accessed the website via end-terminals such as smartphones or tablets – and the revenue share generated via this devices was around 25 per cent. Whether consumers purchase via a small touchscreen or using a mouse on a large PC screen makes a major difference to the rendering (visualisation) of the online shop and therefore to the shopping experience. OTTO’s Responsive Design solution recognises the end-terminal and display size, then adjusts the rendering of the webpage to suit. The result is a Webshop that provides a uniform user experience across all end-devices. So this new procedure means that visitors to www.otto.de receive the optimal webpage display and functions for their respective end-device. What’s more, thanks to the shared technical base, the same shopping list, shopping basket and customer account can now be used across all devices – also in the OTTO apps for iPhone and Android.
“Customers want to use otto.de for shopping anywhere and at any time. The site traffic and revenue share clearly show the demand for Everywhere Commerce, so Responsive Web Design is our answer to the increasing variety of end-devices that consumers are using in e-commerce. We want OTTO to deliver the same look and feel everywhere – and be a very convenient way to shop”, is how Marc Opelt, Member of the OTTO Management Board for Marketing & Sales, explains the introduction of the new technology.
The new technical solution was completely developed by OTTO in-house. “Our objective is a thoroughly uniform user experience: to achieve this, all contents therefore need to adjust to the screen’s characteristics, for instance to the differing screen resolutions and orientations. This requirement has a major impact on Content Management, production and maintenance processes. In addition to this, OTTO’s designers and developers are working more closely together than ever before. A particular challenge in implementing this solution is performance, as especially with mobile-data connections, the perceived loading speed is a success-critical factor in platform development”, is how Dr Thomas Schnieders, Vice President E-Commerce, Innovation and Platform OTTO explains the background to the implementation of this new technical solution.
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